Rama Goes to Therapy: On the vahana ride back to Ayodha, it was a tense environment. Rama and Lakshmana, with the help of the ape king Sugriva and Hanuman, had just rescued Sita. Upon rescuing her, she was thrilled to be reunited with her love but Rama had turned cold, for he doubted her fidelity and believed that she had slept with Ravana during her capture. Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana sat there in an awkward silence the likes of which had never been experienced by any of them before. Finally, in an attempt to cut the tension, Lakshmana spoke: "So, Sita? How are you holding up?" She sighed, "I'm okay. Though that was certainly not fun to be detained for so long. Thank you for rescuing me." She nudged Rama gently, who was holding the reins on the vahana . "Of course I would rescue you, Sita. You are my wife." Rama replied, though it seemed that his thoughts were diverted elsewhere. They land in Ayodha and Rama is welcomed back with a true celebration b...
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